Delivery P & P

What are you delivery prices?

We offer two types of delivery - Normal and express. Our pricing goes by the weight of your order which you can confirm at checkout.

What are your dispatch times?

We aim to get your item sent out with in 4 days. Please allow extra time for personalized items and larger orders as we are a small company.

Where is my order?

Each delivery will come with a tracking number (except international, we are working on it) please refer to this as to see where your item is.

My tracking says delivered but I have not received anything?

Please email us at hello@designedwithmichelle with the details. We aim to respond within 2 working days and will try our best to help solve your problem.

You still need help?

If the FAQ above did not answer your questions, you may ask help from our support team by contacting us directly via email.